Sunday, April 10, 2016

Stop Apologizing, Enjoy Life Today!

Hello lovelies!  Hope everyone is doing well.  I’m sorry it’s been awhile since I have written.  I felt the need to talk with you about loving yourself no matter what your size is and so here I am again.  I was part of a conversation during a lunch outing with a new group of friends recently.  There were women of different ethnicities and sizes.  All beautiful and funny as hell, it was a great!  During the lunch one of the women mistook something I said.  She was having a conversation with someone else about her size and I was talking to the only man in our group about something else and somehow we got our wires crossed.  At first she thought I was talking about her and she said something like “It’s okay I can take it.”, and I felt horrified.  I was so upset that she thought I would say something demeaning about her size.  It was a very confusing conversation at first but we got it all sorted out.  It got me thinking though.

It seems like lately I keep hearing the women I care about apologizing for eating or for the size of some body part or another and it makes me sad.  We should be proud of ourselves and never apologize for living how we want when we want.  Should we all be perfectly proportioned Stepford wives?  In our dreams maybe!  If we were all the same, personally I think life would be boring!  There would be nothing exciting and different to see.  Why do we beat ourselves up daily about how big our butt is, or how our rack is too small or if we just lost 20 pounds our lives would be perfect?  I believe we just need to adjust how we think of ourselves.  We are perfect as we are and our lives do not need to stop until we get to the “right” size.  It is a silly notion and frankly a lot of pressure to put on ourselves.

I am not saying to just give up your morning runs or trips to the gym.  I am just saying loving yourself should be number one on your list, not getting to a certain size and putting off life.  Things that make you smile.  Hope.  Love.  Laugh.  Dream.  If you happen to eat some ice cream along the way, don’t apologize!  You are beautiful and you should enjoy everything life has to offer.  Easier said than done, right?  I know, believe me, I know.  The one thing I have been trying to learn lately is that everyone is going to have an opinion but the most important opinion when it comes to me is my own.  If I hate my own body then how can I face the critics out in the world?  People are harsh sometimes, but if we know and believe we have value and worth it might make it easier to take on the haters of this world.  In fact don’t you think that we can be our own worst critics?  Which in essence is what I am saying.  Other people’s words are just that, words.  How they affect us is part of our own self esteem and our own body issues.  So you have a giant pimple, your nose isn’t perfect, or you are fatter or thinner than you’d like today.  You are still alive and well and should love every part of yourself every day.

We need to tell that little voice in our heads to STFU sometimes.  The one that says “if only I was…”.  Guess what?  If we keep waiting for the day we are perfect we might as well give up now.  Cut yourself some slack ladies!  We are the most perfect version of ourselves every day, we just don’t always see it.  Repeat after me, “I am freaking awesome today and everyday!”  Feels great right?  Give yourself permission to be human girls, because that is what we are, and that is just fine.  Laugh out loud even if your tummy jiggles.  It is so worth is!  Eat the popcorn at the movie because it is delicious!  Run after your kids and enjoy them!  Do what makes you happiest, just do not apologize for who you are because you are this amazing living being and you deserve it!  Life is hard sometimes, we don’t need to make it harder by beating ourselves up too.  We are all works in progress, just enjoy the journey.  One day at a time. 

Okay enough soapbox for now, signing off.  Let me know what you think!  Until next time...

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